Wer nur die Ökonomie versteht, versteht auch diese nicht richtig…

For the German speakers among the visitors, a recent DOK movie on Swiss banking is worth watching. There is nothing new really. In fact, the finding is that bankers (as well as most other people) have a short memory when it comes to negative historical events. Hence, hearing that message over and over again may not be the worst thing. The title is the final quote of the film (and says something along the line of “he who only understands economics doesn’t fully understand that either”).

Doing something…

Still thinking about in what form I wanna keep this blog going now that time is slightly scarcer than it used to be. Hence the lack of new posts for quite a while. May take a little longer till I come up with something useful. In the meantime, here a little appetizer from Paul Krugman’s blog (which is very much worth reading if you care about economics and/or US politics).

We must do something. This is something. Therefore we must do it.

Full article here